I’m a writer. I’ve always been a writer. Once upon a time I even did it professionally. But right now, I don’t know what to write. I love all of you for loving my blog and supporting me and I know you’re waiting for more. Me, too. But nothing is happening right now, cancer-wise, so I don’t know what to say. My dear, sweet best friend, Susan, who’s a fabulous writer, tells me to just start and see where it goes. So, if this goes to shit, you now have a link to Susan’s feed and you can heckle her there. 😉
I’m fortunate that nothing is happening right now, cancer-wise, but it doesn’t feel like it’s far enough behind me yet to claim success. I feel label-less, undefined.
Has enough time passed since my mastectomy with the pathology report that came back and said I’m in the all-clear to call myself a ‘cancer survivor’? Do I have to hold off until the end of the five year “Will it come back?” period before I can safely say that I’m a survivor? I guess, technically, I’ve survived, although my cancer was never in a position to kill me, so there’s also that. It would be like saying I survived driving home from my conference earlier this week on I95. Sure, lots of people die in car crashes on I95 but that doesn’t really make me a ‘survivor’, does it? Maybe I’m being to hard on myself. A win is a win. Perhaps I should feel more of a sense of survivor-hood. After all, I make it successfully through each and every one of my days.
I also don’t feel like ‘cancer victim’ is appropriate as a label for me. I don’t feel victimized by it, I never did. And I don’t, on principal, allow myself to recognize victim-ness. It’s just not a place I want to be. I’m a dust myself off by the seat of my pants, pick myself up again, and move on kinda gal. So ‘cancer victim’? Just no.
And I’m not really a cancer patient any longer. Yes, I have check ups now to make sure I’m still cancer-less, but other than having to take a pill for the next five years, my cancer-related appointments are over, thank you very much!
So, what does that make me, cancer-wise? I have no idea. And why am I spending so much time trying to figure it out? That’s the bigger mystery. This terrible thing happened to me, I dealt with it, I got through it and now I’m on the other side wondering what I call that time in my life and worried that if I call it anything I’m tempting fate. But I can’t just ignore it, pretend it never happened. Can I? I’d like to. But it’s not realistic, especially every time I get undressed. Or any time something brushes against the left side of my chest and I remember that I used to be able to feel things like that.
I can come up with a thousand labels for myself: woman, mother, daughter, single, professional, analytical…but nothing that seems to appropriately sum up my time with cancer.
And before you tell me how unimportant labels are, I disagree. Labels help us understand, connect, find common ground, and more. I like my labels, as long as they’re accurate. But this one eludes me. I feel like I’m betwixt and between on the cancer labels. So maybe that’s just it, we’ll call it ‘cancer-pending’.
You will do what other cancer survivors do, when someone approaches you and shares that they have been diagnosed with breast cancer, you can share your experience, strength and hope with them. Let them know that they are not alone.
Cancer-pending sounds so ominous. Maybe cancer-less is better. I don't know. I get the need for the label, though. Maybe just go with Susan's Best Friend. xo